Karmine Corp sadly won’t be in LEC 2023, CEO Kameto announced on stream

LEC Wooloo reported that the French org Karmine Corp won’t be joining the European LEC after many speculations. The team’s CEO, Kameto, had to turn off his cam on stream overcome with emotions.

Karmine Corp was previously rumored to be taking Astralis’ slot in the LEC next season

Kameto confirmed on stream that at some point KC was very close to securing a deal but ended up falling through. Said deal was speculated to be similar to Rogue – KOI where Astralis’ roster would be absorbed into a new KC lineup. There was also rumor that Hans Sama will be joining the reformed roster after a disappointing season with Team Liquid in the NA LCS.

Regardless, KC’s ADC Rekkles has already been confirmed to be leaving the team and will be searching for opportunity to play in the LEC. With such a strong record he should have no trouble finding a great deal after another poor showing from Western teams at Worlds 2022.

via Riot Games

The news comes as a huge disappointment to a lot of KCorp and French LoL fans, and they already are making themselves heard on socials. Some more extreme fans even attacked Wooloo for breaking the news.

As for the LEC, they regrettably will be missing out on the influx of French LoL fans for another year and will be stuck with an unambitious Astralis in the franchise.

via Riot Games