Kog’Maw Tanky Challenger Build

A Challenger – Grec, has found a way to build Kog’Maw into a “tank” when it is both sturdy and deals terrific damage.

Kog’Maw is always known as one of the strongest hyper carries in League of Legends, Not to mention, with such strong damage, at the end of the game, Kog’Maw can completely deal tremendous damage to carry the whole game. However, have you ever thought of a Kog’Maw tanky build?

Obviously, Kog’Maw’s crucial job is to position himself to deal as much damage as possible without being killed too quickly. A Challenger gamer – Grec, has found a way to build the creature into a true “tank” when he’s both sturdy and deals great damage.

About the Challenger gamer who came up with a way to build Kog’Maw tank – Grec, he played League of Legends right from season 1, and at that time, Grec was only 10 years old and started climbing rank from Season 2. However, he only finished Season 2 with a record of 800 ELO, equivalent to Iron 1 at the moment. Through Season 3, Grec started experimenting with tougher, more skilled champions like Lee Sin, Vayne, and Riven and achieved Gold rank.

In the following seasons, Grec continuously improved his abilities by watching other high-ranked players and players, tinkering with tools to support his skills… and he reaped the rewards when he officially became a member of Royal Never Give Up with the same name Able. Currently, he is playing for the youth team of Bilibili Gaming. Grec, along with JackyLove and iBoy, is considered 3 genius ADCs of the LPL region.

With this build style, Grec’s common problems have been solved and easily helped him survive longer. Grec even reached Challenger rank within 1 month just by spamming the Kog’Maw tank.

Grec’s Build

Keystone Rune

Abilities Order


Similar to every game, Kog’Maw starts things slowly then ramping up the hill. By the time you have your Wit’s End, you can start pinging your team to initiate fights with the enemies’ Mage. Due to Wit’s End’s stats, you will be able to survive through the whole fight without sacrificing your DPS. After that, you can either finish off your DPS items or get yourself a Randuin’s Omen – one of the best tank items currently, according to Grec, because ADs get so heavily focus on by Assassins and Bruisers in general. For more detail, definitely check out the video clip above.