Riot reveals K’Sante huge changes after LoL Worlds 2023

After Worlds 2023, K’Sante will undergo significant changes

In terms of balance, Riot has had several issues with their new champions in 2023. K’Sante and Naafiri have been major balancing issues thus far.

Image via Riot Games

Most players have heard of the pride of Nazumah by this time. His kit has been difficult to deal with since he becomes overly tanky and deals a lot of damage. While his stats in solo queue aren’t very impressive, he is pretty popular in pro play.

Riot has recently chosen not to make any adjustments to K’Sante. People were perplexed as to why this was the case. So Riot Phreak chimed in and discussed the champion’s future.

Riot Games on changes to K’Sante

On August 22, Riot Phreak stated in a Reddit post discussing Patch Changes that K’Sante will be adjusted after Worlds 2023.

According to Riot Phreak, K’Sante’s pro play presence has been decreasing. Players have begun to drift away from the champion as the game has evolved. This is due to both him being nerfed and other top lane champions being buffed in recent patches.

Image via Riot Games

So, making modifications to K’Sante isn’t a top priority for Riot. Riot, on the other hand, wishes to continue working on him beyond Worlds 2023.

While he did not go into specifics about the adjustments, we will have to wait and watch what Riot has in store.