kt Rolster’s fans send weapons to their training facility!

Following stories of the squad being harassed online and even receiving dangerous items like firearms sent to their office, the Korean esports organization KT Rolster has defended its players and hinted at the prospect of legal action.

One of the most well-known organizations in Korean esports is KT Rolster. The company has a lengthy history and has accumulated an outstanding number of accomplishments, despite not being the finest.

kt Rolster’s announcement

However, there have been rumors and allegations recently about fans abusing the squad and even going so far as to send harmful fan mail.

According to reports, violent threats, packages, and untrue rumors circulated across the neighborhood by irrational fans have been directed against KT Rolster players, coaches, and staff.

The organization has resisted after much consideration. According to a translation, they wrote in a post on July 17: “While trying to protect our athletes and employees, we identified many violations that were socially unacceptable beyond a simple statement of opinion.”

Though the post didn’t specify what the contents of mailed packages were, they were threatened by nature according to the team.

“Serious accusations were directed at the team as well as rumors, including sending threatening photos to players and delivering boxes of dangerous goods to the practice room.”

“As a result of some of the fans’ actions, KT Rolster members feel anxious and unsafe, and it’s feared this will negatively affect players and fans.”

kt Rolster’s response for hateful activities

The reasons for the threats and nasty comments are also not clear.

Although KT Rolster has not yet filed a lawsuit, they have claimed that they will be compelled to do so in order to protect the safety of their employees and players if these incidents continue. This includes filing criminal charges that can result in prison terms of up to seven years in South Korea, as well as suing followers for defamation and violence.

Regardless of how serious, this is not the first instance of supporters going too far. When legendary Lee ‘Faker’ Sang-hyeok was benched in 2020, T1 received harsh criticism, and the management was obliged to intervene by threatening legal action.