Update the Chinese Community’s Latest Trend, “THE NING RACE” Contest

Update the Chinese Community's Latest Trend, "THE NING RACE" Contest

The trend begins with “Amateur jungle Ning vs Top tier jungler SofM” from the following video. It is a comparison between Ning and Sofm’s first angle. As we can see, after finished raptors, Ning was slower and had much lower health than SofM.

The day after, pro players including Karsa, Knight, Lwx, Tian even attempted the Ning’s route using Lee Sin, and thousands of regular players followed this trend. The Chinese community organized a jungle clearing contest called “The Ning Race” and the three fastest will be awarded.

The challenge maybe the opportunities to the closest level you’ve been to a pro player!

“THE NING RACE” Content requirements:

(1) Any rank level and play mode is welcomed (unlimited recording methods (mobile phone screen recording is encouraged).

(2) Pick Lee Sin as jungler at the red side.

(3) Runes requirements:

(4) Smite can be used only once. Cannot use flash or guards to speed up.

(5) Skills requirements: W (at lv1) -> Q (at lv2) -> E (at lv3)


The one who finishes the fastest is guaranteed to get the Blind Monk’s skin sold in the shop. If there are people at the same pace, compare the number of recommendations > number of comments > number of readings. The prize pool is 2,300 yuan in total.

Ning’s time was 2’58” when finishing raptors and 3’16” finishing the red buff. SofM’s time till raptors was 2’52”. Here are the jungled stage details of some excellent normal players and pro players:

Perhaps the outcomes of this challenge to date are no longer so important, as the argument of the gaming community has now been clarified. The gap in the Runes seems to have little to do with the clearing speed between Ning and SofM, mostly based on player skills, from kitting to optimizing attack animations, SofM has made great use of it.