Players prompt League Battle Pass as copy/paste with the latest Faerie Court 2023 Event

It seems that Riot might have to change their Battle Pass now that that fanbase has spoken up

Image via Riot Games

Over time, the Battle Pass system has become an essential component of the League of Legends. It is a way of revenue that awards players for participating in the game or accomplishing specified missions.

It has remained largely unchanged since its initial introduction in 2018. However, the community is dissatisfied with it and is now urging Riot Games to take influence from other titles and create a new event pass that is worth the time and effort for the players to actually grind it.

Given that the Faerie Court 2023 event is essentially the same as the previous two major events, players stated a post on League’s subreddit on March 26 outlining how the events are now, on average, low-effort and riddled with bugs ranging from not awarding you the right exp to not granting you the orbs that come with the event.

Image via Riot Games

League players suggest that Riot draws influence from Epic Games’ Fortnite battle pass as an option.

According to many players, Fortnite battle pass offers you more premium currency than you paid for and is jam-packed with exclusive content. In Fortnite, battle passes are acquired once per season, have more cosmetics than you can imagine, and can be bought with battle stars—a type of currency that can be earned by playing the game.

Image via Epic Games

Unlike League, Fortnite battle passes are constantly updated with new skins and accessories throughout the season, so you’ll never run out of skins you want.

However, players are skeptical of a Fortnite-style event pass because League doesn’t have much rivalry in its genre. Hopefully, Riot will learn from its errors and provide players with the pass they deserve.