League Mid-Patch 13.6 reveals Milio Nerfs and Game-crashing bug fixed

Riot has nerfed Milio, the newest League of Legends champion

Milio, the newest champion in League of Legends, has only been available for a day from the release of patch 13.6. The Gentle Flame is supposed to be a calming support who heals and protects his allies from the backline, but Riot Games soon realised he has become a little too powerful.

The Gentle Flame got the quickest hotfix nerfs of any new champion. The primary cause is his win rate, particularly in high elo.

Image via Riot Games

Milio hotfix nerf in mid-patch 13.6

According to League statistics op.gg, Milio’s pick rate has reached over 20% in only a day, his win rate is also more than 52%. It is unusual for a freshly-new champion to have a win rate of more than 50%. Furthermore, it implies that the champion is a little too powerful. And for that, Riot has decided to nerf him in a hotfix patch 13.6, along with some game-crashing bug fixed for him and Illaoi.

Passive: Fired Up!

W: Cozy Campfire

E: Warm Hugs

With the nerfs, Milio‘s friends inflict less damage late game now that his max rank AD scaling has been reduced from 50% to 35%. Milio’s late-game healing has also been significantly reduced. Furthermore, his E shield is being nerfed slightly, but Riot is not affecting the movement speed boost it gives.

Image via Riot Games

His Q and ultimate are the only skills that have not been nerfed. Because both powers are important elements of his arsenal, we may see some minor nerfs to them in future patches.

Players are still attempting to create the best team comps for playing Milio with. He’s been commended for being an easier champion that many new players can take up and use as they learn various mechanics, but these adjustments should help balance his relative strength with the pros.