League MMORPG: What do we know so far about this project?

Riot Games is expanding the League of Legends trademark into a new medium with the development of a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game, MMORPG, centered in the Runeterra world.

League of Legends has grown tremendously throughout the years. That means the game’s mythology and the realm of Runeterra have a lot of promise for a comprehensive LoL MMO, so it’s no wonder Riot is already planning a completely new League of Legends experience. Here is the most recent information regarding the impending LoL MMORPG and what you can anticipate from it.

What the MMORPG could look like?

Image via Riot Games

There has only been one piece of media depicting the future of Riot Games MMORPG. In essence, it appears to be a far superior version of League of Legends, featuring top-down visuals rather than the standard third-person graphics featured in most MMOs.

Furthermore, the developers claim that the MMORPG is supposed to evoke the feeling one gets after seeing a Disney movie when visiting Disneyland. Players may consciously themselves among their favorite characters in well-known situations this manner.

Image via Riot Games

Overall, this MMORPG will most likely wind up appearing like the franchise’s primary book, relegating League of Legends to a fan-fiction based on their favorite champions.

League MMORPG classes

Riot Games has the ideal foundation for its League MMO already in place, thanks to their current champion classes from their MOBA title. There are six basic classes (all of which are described below) and two to three subclasses within each, with the exception of the marksman, which stands alone.

Image via Riot Games







League MMORPG regions

Of course, MMORPG games are more than just visuals and gameplay. There is a civilization out there that has to be explored, and maybe saved. Fortunately for us, we are familiar with that world and its workmanship.

Image via Riot Games

We shall be entering Runeterra, a Celestial creation, and the continents that it contains. We will locate the following regions in those:

The League MMO will most likely center on prominent Runeterra locations like as Demacia, Ionia, Piltover and Zaun. Fantastical locations like as Bandle City, Shurima, and the Shadow Isles are likely to be used as adventure and raid locations.

League MMORPG Raids

Image via Riot Games

Greg Street, the League MMO head producer who pivoted the company’s main title in 2020, has stated that end-game Raids are one of the most essential components in the product’s development. He has also stated that he will be “crushed” if his team’s endgame ideas fail to meet expectations.

The future MMO already has numerous terrific bosses to draw from, like Baron Nashor, Elder Drake, and any of League of Legends’ champions.

Release date

Unfortunately, Riot Games has yet to provide an official release date for the League of Legends MMO, however given when development began, a late 2023 or early 2024 release date is possible.

After months of quiet, numerous Riot developers confirmed the MMO’s existence in 2020. It comes to reason that a development cycle of four to five years is not out of the question.