“League of Healing” is close to the doom

Riot is giving an extremely heavy nerf to healing in patch 12.6

Throughout recent years, not only “some of” the new champions but also healing has been out of control. Briefly, healing is now appearing everywhere, from runes, items to many particular champions’ kits. As a result, you need to own a SUPER large amount of damage to slay those before they start to fully fill their HP. This has led to a lot of negative playstyles lately.

One of the main “problems” of LoL a few years ago…

Riot are obviously responsible for this and they have been blamed by the community for years. They finally decided to get rid of “League of Healing” with severe nerfs and changes. They firstly DELETE Ravenous Hunter, adjust Fleet Footwork, then nerf several items providing Lifesteal. Even Legend: Bloodline cannot stay away from this “purge”. Riot is finally signing the death certificate for the current OP healing state.

Basically, those changes are definitely essential to prevent some champions from being so OP with their enormous healing. Irelia has become a complicated issue to Riot since her rework. With just a Vamp Scepter bought at the first recall, she does “evolve” into a monster and is ready for any fights. Remember a meme saying that Irelia can carry with just a Vamp Scepter?

Ravenous Hunter is going to be replaced by Treasure Hunter, which has been said to provide more gold on takedowns. Let’s see what this new rune can really do in the upcoming patch.