League of Legends: 10 bans be enough for the current number of champions?

League of Legends is getting more and more champions as well as new gameplay styles. This gives players a more enjoyable experience. However, having too many champions also makes it difficult for gamers, especially in the ranking mode, when there are too many champions to ban while each team has only 5 slot banned.

In ranked matches, each team has 5 bans that can be used to banned 5 strong or counter champions of the champion you plan to play. But watch out for the large pool and too many strong choices in each meta, 10 bans is not enough for the player.

Moreover, the bans on both sides can completely overlap, so the number of champions banned due to that restriction affects quite significantly the play of the two sides.

So a lot of players have come up with ideas about the current ban. Specifically we can have 2 bans, 1 main and 1 extra. If your main ban coincides with the opponent, the 2nd ban will be an alternative. Or maybe three bans with the same behavior as the two bans.

Another idea is that Riot Games should shorten the ban time to 7 seconds, but you can ban any champion during that time, regardless of the number. The most likely proposal is that of an extra ban, you have 2 or 3 bans, if the champion in the main ban overlaps with another, the champion in the extra bouts will is banned instead.

However, Riot Games should instead make some changes to improve the League of Legends ban/pick system.

Instead of increasing the ban, you can see which champions are banning the other side to avoid overlapping with each other, or that champion’s frame on your side will turn gray. This may not seem too good for players, but it will also prevent duplicate bans from both sides.

Basically, the idea comes up a lot but the goal is still to upgrade the game’s banning section and experience when ranking. Meta is something that is constantly changing, but bans like Yasuo, Lee Sin, and Zed + new champions always appear, simply because those champions make people feel uncomfortable when facing and even playing.

Perhaps Riot Games should find a way to change its somewhat outdated ban/pick method?

While the number of bans may be relatively limited compared to the vast pool of League of Legends, but both sides must suffer this should be fair for all ten players. Use your ban wisely to beat your opponent. The difference in skills is the key to your victory.