League of Legends: 12 Things to Keep in Mind When Playing ARURF

ARURF is one of the best-featured game modes ever created. Here are 10 things to keep in mind about ARURF when playing.

1. The power of all the champions in URF/ARURF has been modified to create a fair game for everyone. For example, Zigg’s damage at this mode significantly reduced.

2. There is no 10 seconds countdown to change your runes last minute in ARURF.

Rune Paths in League of Legends

3. Some of the rune paths and keystones are disabled in ARURF. For instance, Ingenious and ultimate hunter, transcendence, Lethal Tempo, etc. It will auto switch you to another rune path or keystone in-game.

4. Conqueror is extremely good in this mode because of spamming your skills stacks it quickly.

5. Dark Harvest and some other paths’ power will be reduced. However, this rune is still one of the best runes to use in this featured game mode.

6. Take the Demolish keystone for faster turret pushing. The first 3 points from the turret health bar were reduced. You can easily take down your enemy turret in ARURF and even faster with Demolish keystone.

Resolve Rune Path – Keystones

7. Watch for split pushing! Champions who are capable of reset auto-attacks can destroy towers in under 5 seconds.

8. Be careful with champions like Udyr, Master Yi or Yasuo because they seem harmless at first, but with the crazy amount of attack speed, they are the great dangers.

9. Elemental Dragons in ARURF appear much faster than normal.

10. If you get a champion who needs to level-up fast to lvl 6 (like Kayle or Kha’Zix), you should take Smite and buy jungle items. Junglers will receive more experiences than farming in a lane with another person.

11. ARURF is not only a place to practice dodging but also to practice the speed of using Cleanse or Quicksilver Sash (QsS) from Morgana Q, or Leona Q.

12. The most important thing: After taking Baron, remember to take the Eye of the Herald every time!

Eye of Herald

Are there other things that ARURF players should know about?

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