League of Legends: 2020 Lunar New Year is coming but Riot Games insists Twitch will not have skins

It seems that Riot Games will launch Mecha Kingdom in the new year instead of launching Lunar New Year costumes like every year.

Riot Games has introduced a new video introducing the new Mecha Kingdom Jax costume and immediately created great excitement in the community.

By introducing Jav as a God of War, MK is likely to be Riot’s hugely successful skin.

Most recent. Riot Bellissimoh, has revealed information surrounding Jax’s new skin, along we won’t have Lunar New Year skin.

Answer: Lunar New Year is a common word to refer to New Year in Eastern countries such as Vietnam, China, Korea … These countries eat New Year according to the lunar calendar, and Tet usually takes place at the end of January and early February according to the solar calendar.

Fan: Mecha Kingdom isn’t a 2020 Lunar New Year skin?

There will be no Lunar New Year outfit in 2020, Mecha Kingdom will be the replacement skin.

Fan: Will Aurelion Sol have an skin in the MK group?

Aurelion Sol will have no skins in this launch.

Is Jax’s skin a Legendary level?

Yes, Jax will have Legendary skin.

This move by Riot almost confirmed that Twitch will not receive new year skin.

Credit Art: TinhHoa

From: Reddit