League of Legends 2024 skins leaked so far

As we bid farewell to the remarkable year 2023, Riot Games has left League of Legends players with a glimpse into the future through an intriguing set of leaks.

The year proved to be a bonanza for skin releases, with Riot introducing players to an new skin lines and even breathing new life into some classic ones. The culmination of these efforts resulted in a staggering 147 skins for players to choose from, marking a pinnacle in Riot’s commitment to keeping the in-game aesthetics fresh and exciting.

Image via RIot Games

As the community eagerly anticipates 2024, these skin leaks have emerged as a curious parting gift, offering a sneak peek into the skins that may grace our screens in the coming year.

While some of these leaks, such as the Prestige Dragonmancer Rakan, have already been confirmed by Riot, others remain shrouded in mystery, adding an air of excitement and speculation to the upcoming skin releases.

League of Legends 2024 skins leaks

Legendary Skins

Prestige Skins

Mythic Skins

Image via Riot Games

According to the leaks, 2024 holds promising prospects for popular champions, with Ahri set to receive her third Legendary skin. Joining her in the Legendary skin for the second time are Jinx and Kayle, while Qiyana and Varus are poised to embrace their inaugural Legendary skins, enhancing their visual appeal on the Rift.

The confirmation of Rakan’s Prestige Dragonmancer skin adds to the anticipation, promising players a visually stunning addition to their champion roster at the outset of the new year. Additionally, players can look forward to Ezreal, Morgana, and Zed donning their second Prestige skins.

Image via Riot Games

As the leaks continue, details suggest that a shared event might unveil both Kayle’s Legendary skin and Morgana’s Prestige skin, offering a thematic to these highly anticipated releases. The year 2024 also heralds the debut of Prestige skins for Gwen and Samira, adding a touch of prestige to their champion profiles.

A particularly intriguing revelation pertains to the introduction of a new Mythic skin line, following in the footsteps of the Ashen and Crystalis Motus lines. Speculation abounds that Darius and Tristana may be featured in this upcoming skin line, promising players a unique and immersive visual experience.

Image via Riot Games

However, it is essential to approach these leaks with caution, as not all the mentioned skins are confirmed with absolute certainty.