League of Legends: A 4-year-old Jhin Mechanic Was Removed on Jhin’s 4th Birthday

A day ago, a Jhin main Redditor shared his concern about Jhin’s Q mechanic in the current meta.

Reddit ayman910910 or his Summoner name: IKeepItTaco said that he has been playing Jhin since release for 4 years now.

After many buffs and nerfs in the past 4 years, Jhin had the same mechanic until the latest update patch.

By Yujero

So what is the Jhin’s 4-year-old mechanic?

Jhin’s 4-year-old mechanic was Jhin’s QDancing Grenade per kill increases the next bounce damage by 35%. Up to a total of 105%.

As long as the target dies BEFORE the next bounce then the damage would increase.

The player mentioned that you do not necessarily need to last hit the target with your Q to get the increased damage.

So for an example of combo: If you Q 3 minions and none of them die, right before the last bounce connects, you can kill the 3 minions with your W or auto attacks and the final bounce would do the FULL increased damage.

Here’s an old clip from 2018 of this player that shows it in action.

Here’s a set of images for exact frames from the clip to see how it works clearer.

The first minion dies to the Q (128 Damage)

The 2nd minion loses 80% of it’s HP from the Q (173 Damage). You can see my W is already cast to finish it off.

The 3rd minion dies from the Q (218 Damage). So, it had increased damage here from the 2nd minion which was finished off by the W, not Q.

The last 4th bounce hits Lucian for maximum damage. Dealt 199 damage after accounting for Lucian’s armor.

What Happened to This Mechanic?

IKeepItTaco posted a clip a day ago where he tries to explain the trick only to realize it’s not working anymore.

The damage was flat across the board with no % increased damage on the 4th bounce to be seen.

The player also double-checked this problem with the practice tool to make sure that was not a bug. It was not. The Jhin mains found out that Jhin’s Q is no longer dealt with extra damage on the 4th bounce.

Why Did This Happen?

In the Mid-Patch Updates on January 30, 2020:

Jhin – E BUGFIX Jhin’s basic attacks no longer change into E – Captive Audience after he’s hit by Sett’s R – The Show Stopper

Perhaps while fixing this bug, Riot’s Game Designer team has created another bug that stopped this mechanic from working.

Blood Moon Jhin ©Riot Games

Rioter Penguin has made an announcement

Luckily, a Rioter from NA saw IKeepItTaco’s thread about Jhin’s bug a couple of hours after it got published.

Playtestpenguin or Riot Penguin said that he had sent the thread to the SR team and will follow up with them tomorrow at the office.

Hopefully, Riot Games will fix this bug soon, because this not only affects Jhin’s mechanism, but also the players’ experience toward the champion.

Credit: Reddit