League of Legends: A bizarre match with no winners

This is apparently the most nonsense thing ever happened in LoL…

As we have already known, in MOBA games in general, and in LoL in particular, there will be a victory team and a defeat team in a match. Riot even added a feature called “Sudden Death” into Clash to decide the victory one if it is too long.

However, a streamer named “Lightrocket2” lately found out an extremely rare case so that changed the above immovable “theorem”. Particularly, in a match of Lightrocket2 on September 29, this player used Taric as the jungler. Basically, his team had an one-sided game and destroyed the enemy Nexus at the 26th minute.

However, at the time when everything was almost done and everyone left, the client announced that he was defeated. A further more “magical” thing happened after that when he checked his account’s history on u.gg: there is no winning team!

Lightrocket2 won a ranked match in 26 minutes with jungle Taric
Nevertheless, his match history recorded that he was defeated(?)

The “bug god” Vandiril then downloaded the replay of that match to find the reason for this weird thing. After some “experiments”, he finally found the point: all the players had left by pressing ALT+F4 before the red Nexus was completely destroyed.

According to Vandiril, if all players get out of the game by that way, the game they joined in will be deleted completely and have no results. As a result, the match will be automatically set “defeat”. In addition, before it occurred, Lightrocket2 had had 241 LP, and this number remained unchanged then, though it was a “defeat” one. So, Vandiril’s discovering is totally logical.

Vandiril tweeted on his Twitter about this
Before and after that bizarre match taking place

After this unfortunate case of Lightrocket2, other players also should get rid of the habit of exiting the game this way. It is definitely not good if you do not receive any LP after a victory match, isn’t it? Riot also need to check their system to prevent this problem from happening one more time.