League of Legends: A Partial List of 30 Things You Can Do While Playing Yuumi Without Trolling

Yuumi – he Magical Cat, is the easiest but weakest champion ever made.

Yuumi has been the subject of much debate since her release to the live servers on May 15, 2019. The champion’s debuting with the worst win-rate in ranked play ever.

Besides attaching to your ADC the whole game, you can actually do more with Yuumi!

Here’s a partial list of things you can do as Yuumi:

1. Go to the bathroom to do 1.

2. Watch Tv.

3. Study.

4. Coach your top.

5. Ping each second the possible location of the enemy jungler according to his most effective pathing.

6. Actually look at the minimap (Borderline inting)

7. Cook.

8. Perform open-heart surgery.

9. Go to the bathroom to do 2.

10. Complain about balance on all chat.

11. Passionately ping drake.

12. Angrily ping drake.

13. Duo with yourself.

14. Spam “Jg Diff” in chat.

15. Elaborate a thesis on the entirety of the discworld as the most influential fantastic comedy of the last century. On all chat.

16. Tell your team about tetrapod evolution since the Devonian.

17. Transcribe LOTR books.

18. Complain on Reddit.

19. Look at enemies’ Op.gg

20. Call the Yasuo player’s mother to tell her that her son is playing Yasuo.

21. Explain to your friends that you only play Yuumi ironically.

22. Read this post.

23. Violate the Geneva convention.

24. Read all of Homestuck.

25. Play Invoker on Dota.

26. Actually cast spells with the mouse.

27. Ping every cs your AD misses.

28. Ping your teammates whenever they miss a skill shot.

29. Think about how Riot can rework Yuumi.

30. Finish reading article and found out it’s a troll post.

Credit: Reddit