League of Legends: A tip to help your team know where Nocturne is while using R

Darkness is always scary, whether in real life or in the game. Nocturne’s ultimate is said to be truly haunting – for those who fear or are not afraid of ghosts. However, there is a fairly simple way to counter it.

Nocturne is one of the obsessions of League of Legends players. Just seeing him rush with the Paranoia, many gamers will be shocked and control champions running around on the map …

When using R, Nocturne will cause all enemy champions to have their vision reduced for 6 seconds. The champions near each other also do not share the vision. Along with the darkening effect all the map, many of Nocturne’s enemies will panic and move disoriented – in the sense of the word Paranoia.

And at that time, Nocturne could freely move without fear of being discovered …

But everything has its weaknesses; and Nocturne’s ultimate is thought to be scary, but has its own characteristics that make it counter

There are two small but important points in League of Legends that you may not notice

Most Nocturne players will use Q – Duskbringer at the same time as the ultimate. This skill will leave a black trail on the ground, and it is still really visible, even if you are under the effect of Paranoia.

Therefore, combining these points, a useful tip to detect Nocturne’s position in combat when he is using his ultimate is:

Adjust the camera navigation keys to the appropriate champion, and use them to move the camera towards teammates

Those who hate Nocturne, often have to go to the jungle in particular as well as every League of Legends player will benefit greatly from using this camera lock. Thanks to that, you can inform your teammates the nearest position of Nocturne, help the whole team plan to fight him and win in crucial moments of the match. Although this can’t be done if Nocturne just wants to tease you or play with one hand while holding the other hand (masturb*te), but there’s no denying that this is really a trick. Although small, but extremely us