League of Legends: After 2 years, Riot Games is finally about to launch a new mission system to help gamers earn rewards

Two years ago, Riot Games once planned to add a system of missions in League of Legends to increase the attractiveness of the game. More specifically, these tests were available on PBE servers since Patch 7.11. However, it was also the first time and the last time the player heard about the new Quest system.

And finally, after 2 years of development, Riot Games is also preparing to launch this system.

To introduce this Mission system, understand simply, it has the same mechanism of operation as the Mission series that has appeared in the past.

However, instead of appearing only for a short time according to the events and skins, the new Quest system will appear continuously and players will find a way to complete the quests.

The Mission system will be extremely diverse according to the various types of quests of each champions and Esports missions.

These tasks comply with no troll game. Types of missions like holding Lux and having 300 physical damage or AFK for 5 minutes will never appear.

The second criterion is the challenge of each task. There will be missions that you complete very quickly, but there are also tasks that must be accumulated according to the process. Rest assured because the cumulative quests “challenge you to do” in the style of winning 300 battles win with Jax, holding Leona using Ultimate 30,000 times …

Most importantly, Riot Games’ criteria when creating these Tasks are to increase the player’s experience and increase interest in the League of Legends. The mission will not turn LoL from MOBA game into role-playing game and depending on the preferences, the user’s experience direction.

For example, if you like the experience of generals, you can take part in the challenges of generals. If you want to cheer your favorite teams, Riot Games also designed the missions to show you are a Top Fan of that team.

At the moment of the launch of these mission, it has not been determined yet, but Riot Games will give gamers a gentle start with easy Tasks. Gradually more difficult challenges will be added. Certainly, Riot Games will still have to experiment with servers worldwide before creating the most complete version.