League of legends: All of Viego bugs has not been fixed, gamers ask Riot Games to remove this champion for… good

Viego continues to be a name that makes the League of legends community sick of its “game-breaking ability”.

Although he was launched less than a year ago, Viego soon became a “meme” which was used to satirize Riot Games. This champion has been banned in the professional playground throughout the spring season and also MSI 2021, but until now, riot’s goal of overcoming the Viego-related bug has only brought a rounded zero in effort.

Not only Riot staffs but perhaps LOL gamers are also too fed up with… Viego existence. For those who like to play this campion, these are probably interesting experiences, because the above bugs are beneficial to this champion. But for those who stand against him, of course these are unpleasant memories.

However, recently, when it was discovered that Riot August – the father of Viego, is in the same battle, a player on the other side of the team has bluntly suggested that Riot Games should best remove this champion from the game for “good”.

In the latest developments, the Organizing Committee of LCK Summer 2021 has officially confirmed to ban Viego. And it is more likely that other tournaments will make the same move, as the number of bugs of this champion appears more and more “diverse”.

Of course, Riot Games will never take into account the eradication of Viego, because this is not only a complete champion project that has been announced, but the entire 2021 general development roadmap of LOL revolves around him. Deleting Viego also means that the whole year’s effort of the design team “will be in vain”, but the loss in money is also too much to be told.

However, solving the bugs that came from the mechanism of this champion’s skills still seems to be a dilemma for Riot’s staff in this moment.