League of Legends: New AP Pyke build is taking over the Korean servers

Pyke was essentially played everywhere else, especially mid, when he first came out, which resulted in a number of nerfs to his different abilities, such as his E only dealing damage to champions and his ultimate no longer providing himself additional money on solo kills.

Mid-lane players, on the other hand, remain undaunted, and an uncontrolled build has evolved from Korea, in which Pyke builds Statikk Shiv and Zhonya’s in Korea high-elo. So, what exactly is going on and how does it work?

Korean AP Pyke build

Pyke as a midlaner has fallen out of favour, and he also suffers as a support player. However, in the new Korean Ap build, Pyke is played a little differently, with a same purpose.

Most players would never be able to pull off the Pyke build in question. Instead of focusing on lethality, this build focuses on crit and Ability Power.

First and foremost, there are the runes. This build uses the Sorcery Tree rather than Domination, with Arcane Comet and Scorch serving as a fixed basis and the others being replaceable.

Image via Riot Games

Pyke can easily win early-game exchanges by poking the opposing enemies with his Q tap and dealing damage from his basic stats as well as Arcane Comet and Scorch damage.

The build begins by rushing Statikk Shiv before transitioning into Zhonya’s Hourglass. Statikk Shiv enables Pyke, a champion with an atrocious wave clear, to push waves and roam, gaining advantages elsewhere.

Zhonya’s Hourglass, on the other hand, grants him AP scaling, which, although not present in any of his abilities, is present in Statikk Shiv, allowing him to clear out the enemy’s wave easier in 1 hit.

There is generally no rest of this build. This is a make-or-break build that will either win before you finish building your full items, or fail due to being outscaled in the late game.

Image via Riot Games

This build demands you to employ your side laning skills granted by Statikk Shiv, necessitating a different gaming style than that of this champion being played in the mid lane. If you want to try ths build out, it is best to do so in normal rather than rank.