League of Legends: Aphelios Continues to Get Nerfed while Sona, Lulu, and Karma are Receiving Buffs in Patch 10.2

Even though Aphelios has a 48% win ratio (in platinum and above) in NA at the moment, he will still get nerfed in patch 10.1.

Aphelios will get nerfed in Patch 10.2

Aphelios – The Weapon of the Faithful or the five weapon-wielding AD carry, who was just released last month, is an ADC with the ridiculous burst damage in the current patch.

Aphelios Trailer

In Patch 10.1 Aphelios already received minor nerfs to his base movement speed and health, and a 25% decreased in damage done to secondary targets with his Moonlight Vigil (R) ultimate.

In the coming Patch, Riot is targeting his Calibrum (Q). Its cooldown will be increased from 9 to 6 seconds, and its mark damage will be decreased from 20 to 40 (+30% bonus AD) to 15 (+20% bonus AD).

This nerf will make his long-range become weaken, pushing him further away from lane dominance. Aphelios will no longer have his hyper-carry capabilities, but still a strong choice in the bot lane.

Sona, Lulu, and Karma are receiving buffs in Patch 10.2

Riot is buffing some of the most iconic supports champions in the metagame.

Sona (has the highest win rate of the three) is receiving changes to her (E) – Song of Celerity, increasing her haste percentage for allies from 10 to 14 (+3%/100 AP) to 10 to 16 (+4% /100 AP).

Sona’s personal haste from 10 to 14 (+3%/100 AP) to 25% (+4%/100 AP).

These changes will allow her to reposition in a teamfight to get off the perfect ultimate or to roam for a mid/jungle gank. It’ll also mean she’ll be safer from ganking in the bot lane.

Lulu, who has a measly 49% win rate in NA Platinum and above, is set to get minor improvements to her base stats. Her armor increased from 28.22 to 29; and her AD from 46.368 to 47.

Lulu (E) – Help, Pix! is having its cooldown reduced from 10 to 8 seconds. This buff will make her more advantage in trading at the early stages of the game. It also will make her stronger and even more helpful in the late game.

Sun Goddess Karma

In September 2019, Karma got nerfed that her AP ratio on her (Q) – Inner Flame was reduced from 60% to 40%. This was aimed at taking her away from the Top and Mid lane and positioning her more as a support champion.

However, it didn’t work. She now has a 48% win rate and she’s rarely seen in solo queue.

In this coming Patch 10.2, Riot is increasing the damage on Karma’s (Q) from the range of 80 to 260 to the range of 90 to 270, and her damage on (W) Focused Resolve from the range of 30 to 130 to the range of 40 to 140.

Wif these buffs, it should help Karma to improve her chances for lane dominance at the bottom lane.

Patch 10.2 is expected to be released to the live servers on Tuesday, January 21, 2020.