League of Legends: Are Yasuo Players All The Same?

Yasuo – The Unforgiven, is one of the best/worst champions ever made by Riot Games.

Yasuo was released in 2013, but haven’t gotten rework once! He is one of the most “balanced” champions that often got picked by the League players.

There are so many Yasuo mains in the current meta. It seems like he is not going to be off-meta anytime soon comparing to some champions who were released around his time or later.

Have you ever encountered a Yasuo main? Perhaps you are one of them?

Take a look at the checklist here to see if “All Yasuo Players Are All The Same.”

1. They play exactly the same.

2. They think exactly the same.

3. They’re toxic if anyone on their team has less kills than cs.

4. They get 15+ kills if they buy IE. Yellow stimulates the hive’s input receptors. Yasuo likes IE, static shiv, and GA because of the pleasant warmth of yellow light (I believe Phantom dancer is cleverly used to hide their true nature).


5. They feed their butt-off and flame if they start the game on 0/1.

6. They have this sense of arrogance like no one has ever played Yasuo more than them (Which, if theory turns true, may actually be accurate).

7. But most importantly, if the mind is distressed, they “AFK, nexus open. Report me, don’t care”.

8. Spamming Mastery 7 every time they got a kill or got killed.

9. “I can do ‘knock-ups’ myself,” but complained about how his team didn’t pick any knock-up champs.

10. Whenever his R is active, it makes Yasuo players abandon any sense of reason and smash the R button (just like Lee Sin Q Syndrome or the “Lee Sindrome”).

How many did you check in this checklist? Do you think it’s quite accurate for most of the Yasuo mains?

Do you want a similar checklist like this for other League of Legends’ champions? (For example, Katarina, Riven, Lee Sin, etc.)