Riot announced all of the Arena changes that will be included in League of Legends patch 13.15.
Riot officially released the newest League of Legends game mode, Arena, a few weeks ago. It is played in a 2v2v2v2 form on a separate map with many new features to the game like Augments, Cameo, and more.
Arena varies fundamentally from Summoner’s Rift or ordinary League of Legends, therefore Riot must make certain arena-specific tweaks. During the PBE, they already made several adjustments. Furthermore, Riot hotfixed this mode twice when it was first released.
However, Riot has revealed that many more Arena-exclusive improvements are coming to the game with patch 13.15. Here is a list of all of them.
LoL Arena Patch 13.15 notes
Champion Buffs
- Q
- Movement speed: 25-39% >>> 50-78%
- AP scaling: 100% >>> 125%
- W
- Armor scaling: (+40/50/60/70/80% total Armor) >>> (+60/70/80/90/100% total Armor)
- Magic Resistance scaling: (+30/35/40/45/50% total MR) >>> (+40/45/50/55/60% total MR)
- E
- Taunt duration: 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8/2 seconds >>> 1.6/1.8/2/2.2/2.4 seconds
- Attack speed duration: 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8/2 seconds >>> 1.6/1.8/2/2.2/2.4 seconds
- R
- AP scaling: 60% >>> 100%
- Passive: Traveller’s Call
- Chimes needed per upgrade tier: 5 >>> 2
- Meep AP ratio: 30% >>> 60%
- W
- Prep time: 10 seconds >>> 8 seconds
- +70 Ability Haste
- Max shrines: 3 >>> 33
- Healing doubled
- E
- +70 Ability Haste
- W
- +30 Ability Haste
- E
- AP scaling: 30% >>> 40%
- Slow: 10/20/30/40/50% >>> 30/40/50/60/70%
- Passive
- Mana: Shield ratio 1:1 >>> 1:2 (essentially means shield’s scaling with mana has doubled)
- Cooldown: 90 seconds >>> 30 seconds
- Q:
- AP scaling: 120% >>> 150%
- +40 Ability Haste
- R
- Passive base damage: 50/100/150 (+30/40/50% AP) >>> 60/110/160 (+40/50/60% AP)
- Q
- Base damage: 65/95/125/155/185 >>> 100/130/160/190/210
- W
- Base damage: 50/75/100/125/150 >>> 75/100/125/150/175
- R
- Base damage: 70/90/110 >>> 100/120/140
- Stack damage: 35/45/55 >>> 45/55/65
- W
- Base slow: 25% >>> 40% (Enhanced slow is unchanged)
- R
- Damage per stack: 20/25/30 >>> 30/35/40
- Passive
- AD scaling: 60% bonus AD >>> 80% bonus AD
- Reset CDR: 15 >>> 20
- Q
- AP scaling: 35% >>> 50%
- E
- Damage: 20/35/50/65/80 (+40% AD) (+25% AP) >>> 50/65/80/95/110 (+50% AD) (+35% AP)
- R
- Damage per dagger: 25/37.5/50 (+19% AP) >>> 50/62.5/75 (+22% AP)
- Q
- Damage: 5-85 (+80% AD) >>> 15-135 (+100% AD)
- W
- Revive Health Percentage: 33% >>> 60%
- E
- Attack speed coefficient: 30% >>> 45%
- R:
- AD ratio: 10% >>> 20%
- Q
- Base CD: 3.5 seconds >>> 2.75 seconds
- E
- +20 Ability Haste
Champion Nerfs
- W: Electrical Surge
- Active magic damage: 70/95/120/145/170 (+80% AP) >>> 70/90/110/130/150 (+60%)
- R
- Bonus resistances: 20/40/60 >>> 20/30/40
- Damage: 40/75/110 (+22.5% AP) >>> 30/55/80 (+18%)
- R
- -50 Ability Haste >>> -100 Ability Haste
- Base damage: 200/300/400 >>> 50/100/150
- R
- Base HP nerfed by 50%
- Q
- Base damage: 20-120 >>> 10-90
- W
- -30 Ability Haste
- R
- Max HP damage per second: 4/6/8% >>> 3/4.5/6%
- Passive
- Grave spawn timer: 6 seconds >>> 8 seconds
- Ghoul HP reduced by 30%
- E
- -30 Ability Haste
- R
- Passive proc base damage: 60-160 >>> 40-120
- Q
- Turret HP reduced by 30%
- E
- -30 Ability Haste
- Package duration: 60 seconds >>> 15 seconds
- E:
- -30 Ability Haste
- W
- -30 Ability Haste
- R
- -50 Ability Haste
- W
- -30 Ability Haste
- E
- -30 Ability Haste
System Buffs
Staff of Flowing Water
- Movement speed: 10% >>> 15%
- Passive AP granted: 45-70 >>> 60/90
- Passive Ability Haste granted: 30 >>> 35
Guardian’s Dirk
- Lethality: 10 >>> 15
Hextech Gunblade
- Ability Power: 70 >>> 80
- Omnivamp: 15% >>> 20%
Echoes of Helia
- Shard heal: 20-80 >>> 40-160
- Shard damage: 30-180 >>> 45-270
Earthquake (Augment)
- Base explosion time: 1 second >>> .75 seconds
- AoE range beyond dash end: 50 units >>> 100 units
Perseverance (Augment)
- Base regen: 500% >>> 600%
- Amped regen: 1000% >>> 1200%
System Nerfs
Naafiri Cameo
- Max HP damage: 20-60% >>> 10-20%
Windspeaker’s Blessing
- Resistances: 45-105 >>> 30-90
These Arena changes will be implemented on live servers with patch 13.15, which is set to be released on August 2, 2023.