League of Legends: Ridiculous Biscuit Bug allows Players to acquire hidden Active Items

A new League of Legends bug allows players to save an active item in their biscuit, offering them unlimited power

League of Legends is an extremely popular game. With so many champions, items, and skins, and other stuff crammed into an arena, odd interactions are going to occur every now and again. Add to that Riot’s continual modifications to the game, and one can only imagine all the problems that creep in.

After the recent incident of Tahm Kench bug, a new bug has been discovered in League of Legends, this time impacting the delivery biscuit and the shop’s refund feature.

Vandiril, a well-known League of Legends content creator, was able to locate a strange clip of a Sona player utilising the timer despite not having it in their inventory. Players were obviously perplexed that anything like this could happen, so Vandiril conducted his own testing to demonstrate it.

From there, he discovered an intriguing interplay between the Biscuit Delivery and the refund in shop.

If a player purchases an active item and a delivery biscuit enters their inventory, the player appears to be able to refund the item while keeping the active ability from it within the cookie.

This flaw may be continuously abused because the biscuit appear in a player’s inventory three times throughout a match, and refunding the item returns the gold used to purchase it.

Active items are some of the most powerful effects in League of Legends, allowing players to gain an edge by utilising their ability wisely. As seen in the video, Stopwatch, Youmuu’s Ghostblade, and Gargoyle’s Stoneplate are examples of such things. Certain equipment, such as Galeforce, appear to lock the bug in place.

It’s unclear whether Riot plans to release a fix on this absurd bug anytime, so make sure you’re aware of any abusers in your match as soon as possible.