League of Legends’ Bot AI System to receive essential development focus shortly

Most League of Legends players have most certainly faced up against the game’s AI bots at some point in their life, whether it was their first game into Summoner’s Rift or in a custom League of Legends games.

The AI isn’t the most difficult for most players to understand, but Riot Games announced in their new developer vlog that the AI algorithms will be overhauled very soon. Riot has formed a new programming team dedicated to improve League’s bot AI system so that both beginner and seasoned players can get the most out of their practice time.

New League of Legends AI Systems are in place

Bot games are often designated for new players who are attempting to acclimatise to the new area, which may be quite intimidating for first-time. There are many items, champions, and mechanics to master, and it might be difficult to focus on certain parts and intricacies if you’re thrust into a battle with the enemies.

However, in bot games, players do not have to worry about being under pressure from the opposing team. League’s bots are quite predictable, acting in the same manner in every match. This is acceptable for beginner players, but for those trying to improve their skills, this AI just does not cut it.

Image via Riot Games

Riot hopes that by strengthening the AI, it would be possible for players to practise in a low-pressure environment while still being challenged by the bots to progress. This new AI system should also provide devs with more tools to work with when developing new material, such as potential game modes, mechanics, and more.

Image via Riot Games

Riot has not specified when the new AI modifications will be introduced in the game, but development is already ongoing. More details may be revealed later this year.