League of Legends: Break the game with “Twice the skill’ range”, a bug that has existed for many years and has not been fixed

Sett is not the only champion in league of legends that can do this “double da range” bug, but even Thresh can do it with E.

Recently on Reddit, a user shared a new bug related to Sett’s E ability, which allows him to immediately double the range of this skill after using the Flash-E combo. This new bug will of course make Sett’s combos more dangerous when catching people from extremely long distances, but fortunately its difficulty is very high for everyone to perform.

This bug is hard enough to make it impossible to appear in the game very often, but with enough practices and efforts, it will become easier to perform. First of all, the player must aim the Flash’s range and place the mouse pointer only within this range (if placed further, Flash will automatically be used at the maximum distance and you will fail the trick).

While Flashing, the player must use E at the same time but must not move the mouse pointer too far from the champion, if successful, the range of E will be increased to nearly double:

“Double da range” combo discovered and performed by international gamers

Sett is not the only champion that can perform this combo, even Thresh can do it with E. It is known that this bug existed for a while before Sett came out (about 2.5 years ago). However, until now, you can still sometimes be able to witness Sett or Thresh catch players in an extremely “What in the world?” way.

Currently, the international LoL fan community is drowning in angry because Riot Games has realized how this bug affects the game in the past and promised to fix it as quickly as possible. Yet it still exists to this day.