League of Legends: Continuing to reveal 5p Test Garen long video with lots of pictures of LoL Mobile

League of Legends: Continuing to reveal 5p Test Garen long video with lots of pictures of LoL Mobile

Screen display with Chinese characters only. In the video, we can see that LoL Mobile has 27 champions in use, including: Garen, Vayne, Jinx, Fizz, Xin Zhao, Oriana, Janna, Lux, Annie, Nami, Gragas, Ahri, Twisted Fate, Olaf, Shyvana, Tryndamere, Vi, Malphite, Nasus, Miss Fortune, Ezreal, Master Yi, Jax, Fiora, Blitzcrank, Soraka and Dr. Mundo.

Looking at the list above still lacks quite a lot of champions compared to the current number of 140 on the PC version, so if LoL Mobile is released, it is possible that these generals will be quickly updated.

Besides are some shared screenshots: