League of Legends: Daisy is Annie’s younger sister?

A status line on Reddit questioned assumption, would Daisy be Annie’s deceased younger sister? This is entirely reasonable based on the following details.

In the short film Annie: Origins, Annie has a younger sister named Daisy, who died tragically after chasing a butterfly.

Ivern is said to have saved Daisy and made Daisy his companion due to his ability to connect with nature, the world and the creatures, especially Lulu.

Lulu is known as a Yordle capable of turning children into any creature, and possesses various gateways to enter Runeterra.

Thereby Daisy was rescued by Ivern and later absorbed by this spirit and Lulu transformed into Ivern’s assistant is entirely possible.

Based on the above assumptions, it was possible for Daisy and Annie’s younger sister to be the same person. So what if Daisy was Annie’s younger sister?

Information From: Reddit