League of Legends: Destroy Bottom Lane with couple Mordekaiser and Swain

If you want to find a strategy to climb the rank or simply get bored with traditional Bot pairs. Today, we are bringing the emerging friends with the Mordekaiser – Swain couple.

Recently, a player on Reddit shared his Diamond climbing strategy with his friend at the Philippines server (PH) with an extremely high win rate: 12 wins and only 1 loss. The duo easily canceled destroy the enemy Bot lane from level 3 and carry the whole team to victory.

I am Diamond Player PH server and my friend and I have started duoing in the bot lane using Mordekaiser APC and Swain Support.

We have carried every game we have played this on, and destroyed every botlane past level 3. Currently we have won 12 games and lost only 1.

This bot lane is very strong for multiple reasons:

  1. Once Mordekaiser pulls, or if swain roots, it is a guaranteed summoner spell or kill.
  2. Post-level 6, Mordekaiser can basically get an insta-kill in lane using his ult.
  3. When getting ganked post level 6, Mordekaiser can turn it into a 1v1, while swain 1vX using his ult sustain.
  4. Pre-level 6 ganks are hard to do because of the Swain’s root, and mordekaiser pull.
  5. Can take heavy abuse in lane because of both champions’ built-in sustain
  6. Can easily carry games when Swain and Morde ahead, because of their massive team fighting prowess.
  7. CC has little effect because tenacity boots and runes can negate it.
  8. Both champs are very thiccccc

Weaknesses that we’ve encountered:

  1. Champion with hard disengage like Janna, Tahm Kench, Thresh, Xayah
  2. Vayne after lane.

You guys should try it out!

Edit: Misspelled janna

Edit: Swain 2vX changed to 1vX

What do you think about this couple? What are you waiting for without training to bring in rank climbing?

Information From: Reddit