League of Legends: Do you Have “A Brain for The Game”? – 7 Things That Tell if You Know How to Play LoL

Have you ever wondered where are you standing in the League of Legends? Do you know how to play the game properly? Why are you still in low-elo?

To answer your concern, here is the list of 7 things that will show you if you know how to play League of Legends properly:

1. You Play Only One Champion

 by: RezoneGAMES

Don’t get me wrong. Playing One-trick is different from playing only one champion.

If you are good at one champion and that you can carry or win your lane most games like Moe’s Yasuo, Faker’s Ryze, PinkWard’s Shaco or Boxbox’s Riven, there is a possible chance for you to get into higher elo with your champion.

However, knowing to play only one champion that you do not even win your lane most of the time is not a good sign. Even high-elo streamers above, they are still able to play other champions well just so if their champion got banned, they could still play the game properly.

Therefore, it is best to expanse your champions pool. Try new champions in Normal Games or even Aram or URF! You might be able to find your new main champions.

2. You Don’t Know How to Farm Minions

If you don’t know how to last-hit or keep your cs consistent throughout the game in every match, there is a high chance that you’re hard stuck in Gold or lower elo.

It is even worse if you don’t know how to freeze your lane or knowing when to push the lane. However, no worries, because you can learn how to farm minions and freeze your lane here: How to Control Your Minions as An ADC

3. You Don’t Know How to Check the Bush

Checking bushes is one of the key skills you must know. It’s important to check your jungle’s bushed both sides near the river in the early game, so then your team won’t get a surprise gank from the enemy team.

Also, always check bushes with oracle lense or by warding safely to make sure that there’s no enemy’s wards or the enemy there.

If you have a strong feeling that the enemy team is in one of the bushes that you wanna check, for most of the time, don’t go face-check it. Instead, try to ward somewhere nearby that is safer for you, but also have a good vision on the map.

3. You Don’t Know How to “Hit and Run”

This skill is one of the main skills that apply to AD carry or ranged champions. If you are not a tank or a fighter, don’t play like one!

Know how to hit and run is the best way to fight in combat, trading, and when you’re running away from the enemy but also want to deal damage on them.

4. You Don’t Know How to Roam

Csing and winning your lane are important. However, you don’t have to focus too much on your lane, but also other lanes in the game.

This is a team game, therefore, if you’re winning your lane, take that chance and go roam when your cs are being pushed into the enemy turret.

Keep in mind that over-roaming or ineffective roaming is not good either. ineffective roamings might make you go behind in lane quickly because you would miss your cs while roaming.

So if you know how to roam properly, you are playing the game right.

5. You Don’t Know How to Use Your Pings

Pings are made for teammates to communicate with each other. However, spamming pings are extremely annoying.

It’s ideal to ping whenever your enemy opponent in your ane is missing, when the enemy is going to your jungle, or when they’re taking objects; not when someone in your teammate dies or accidentally flashed into a wall.

6. You Don’t Know About Champion Counter

Knowing what champions counter what champions are really important in Ban-Pick, therefore, you could be able to take advantage of it in the game.

For example, Fiora counters many top laners with her W, Morgana counters a lot of support champions with hard cc because of her Black Shield, or Fizz, and Ekko who could counter Syndra or Zed’s ultimate.

7. You Don’t Know How to Use Your Brain to Think in the Game

This sounds harsh, but this is aimed for the negative players who are really toxic in-game, blaming everyone in the team and go AFK.

This negative attitude will not bring you to a higher level.

So did you pass all these check-list? Do you really know how to play the game properly?