Here are LoL Patch 13.24b early notes

As League of Legends players were settling in for a stable gameplay experience throughout the remainder of the 2023 season, Riot Games surprised them with an unexpected League Patch 13.24b, right before the holiday season.

Head League designer Matt Leung-Harrison revealed that this patch would change 8 champions, 4 buffs and 4 nerfs. The upcoming adjustments, slated for release on Wednesday, Dec. 20, are designed to address specific performance issues and maintain a dynamic meta.

League of Legends early patch 13.24b

Champion buffs

Champion nerfs

Image via Riot Games

Notably, Hwei, the 166th character in the League of Legends roster, has become a central focus for the development team due to the champion’s underwhelming performance. Recognizing this, the designers aim to elevate Hwei’s effectiveness with targeted buffs.

On the flip side, champions like Orianna, Syndra, Sylas, and Yone are set to face nerfs in this patch. According to the head designer, these champions have been pretty strong in both professional play and solo queue, prompting the need for adjustments.

Image via Riot Games

Additionally, champions such as Naafiri and Warwick are slated for buffs to rejuvenate their presence on the Rift. Naafiri, in particular, has been in the spotlight since the previous 13.23 patch, where nerfs impacted her strength slightly more than intended. The Riot team aims to address this issue, ensuring that these champions regain their relevance and contribute meaningfully to the overall gaming experience.

Image via Riot Games

In summary, the final League of Legends patch for 2023 brings some balance update, aiming to enhance the meta by addressing the performance of specific champions.