League of Legends: Experience of rankings for Gamer

1. Although the gameplay is quite simple, Ornn is still not an ideal choice for newbie.

It sounds strange because usually tank champions have difficulty levels not too high. However, Ornn is one of the exceptions because he not only possesses many orientation skills but also has many unique interactions that require players to get used to.

First, Ornn players need to learn how to take advantage of the ability to buy items anywhere on their map, using W to avoid CC, and using combo Q + E.

In other words, will you want to use a Malphite or Ornn in your squad for the first time? A general who uses all of the skills of just and click and an easy-to-use R or a champion with a lot of difficult navigation skills to use?

2. Rengar is always the best choice in higher rankings matches

One of the main reasons why Rengar has always been ranked tier S is because he benefited greatly from the changes of meta. For example, the time when the  Rift Scuttler first appeared allowed him to concentrate farm to level 6 earlier than before.

Another reason is that Rengar is very good at dealing with Hot Pick Meta, such as Karthus before, or with Sejuani. Simply put, meta is now where the Rengar is easier to breathe before level 6, with based champions mainly relying on CC to defeat him, and the return of the enchanter-type Supporters like Karma, Yuumi and Janna turn Rengar into a suitable option.

3. Garen and Yorick are extremely strong in the Top Lane

Garen and Yorick ranked tier S not only because of the high winning rate at the present time. When you look at their respective winning rates, you will hardly miss their success.

In the case of Garen, even if you think he is only for low-skill players, it’s hard not to see his dominance at Rank Gold and the lower rank.

The rankings of power generals are based on indicators and some logic, not only based on the player’s perception and judgment, but that a certain champion is not worthy of tier S.

4. Ivern is increasingly disappearing from the League of Legends

Ivern has weakened greatly since the changes in the time of the first appearance of the Rift Scuttler. This change makes him lose his biggest advantage is the ability to control the beginning of the game.

As a result, Ivern’s Jung ring becomes much more dangerous, especially at higher rankings with top-tier monsters like Elise or Olaf.

At lower rankings, Ivern is safer when he is dependent on the team, but he is being overtaken by the tank champions – the resilient generals and the active fighting. Ivern depends on too many factors and cannot decide for himself or herself or his teammates, so this is not a worthwhile option.

5. Fiora is not the best option at the moment, but it is easy to counter champions Top Lane.

Fiora is a strong champion in solo 1 vs 1. However, Fiora has no way to force combat or clean up combat. This means Fiora has difficulty finding ways to end the match

So unless Fiora is buffed to the point of being extremely OP or strong enough to roll the snowball and outperform the rest.

However, this makes no one able to win Fiora in any 1vs1 or even 1v2 match when her attacking stats are too high. But if Fiora’s damage is too low, there is no way to win unless Fiora too superior to the opponent or has an easy match. Fiora probably needs a little change with the Ultimate to fix this.