League of Legends: Fan make new champion : Snake – BOA

A giant snake with slow base movement speed.

Passive: Stealthy Assault

Stealthy Assault:

While moving along terrain Boa blends in with the surrounding, gaining stealth, extra movement speed and a greatly extended basic attack range which brings Boa to whatever she attacks.

Q: Titanic Extent
Boa’s flings herself at a small area dealing physical damage and additional magic damage based on current health
(the higher health, the more damage).
While Boa has more than 60% health, Titanic Extent cripples enemies, slowing them.

W: Thick Skin/Skin Shed

Passive: Boa gains additional magic resist and armor scaling with level of W. Skin Shed: Boa coils up and all cc targeting Boa while she is coiled is nullified, besides (Suppression/Knock ups/Knock backs) and Boa rapidly regenerates health

E: Sensory Pit/Venomous Fangs

Passive: Sensory Pit

Boa has a special pit located near its eyes allowing it to detect enemy champions a short distance around it. When an enemy champion enters Boas sensory pit range, Boa is alerted with a red sign from the direction of enemies.

Boas next basic attack applies bleed and deals massive magic damage.

R: Constrict

Boa wraps herself around an enemy champion in close distance for up to 2.5/3.5/4.5 s

While constricting, Boa rapidly uses up mana for each 0.5 second she holds her target for. The target is unable to move, use any spells or abilities and takes max health percent damage every 0.5 seconds. Using her other abilities ends constrict.