League of Legends: Fans continue to show their creativity when creating the Super Galaxy Ivern

Ivern is one of the most friendly and gentle generals in the Game. The Ivern wandered in the jungle, healing the wounds of every tree, animal and making every place Ivern set foot full of life.

However, with his rough appearance, it is difficult for Ivern to get a really fresh and colorful skin, but recently Valkhar has done an excellent job of giving Ivern a new shape in the Super Galaxy.

With a color scheme that represents technology from the future. Daisy is styled in a mechanical and modern fashion.

Valkhar’s drawing is still a bit rough in the drawing, but just a little more elaborate, this will be a good idea. This creation will be extremely good when it comes to Rumble, Fizz, Annie and other members of the Super Galaxy group.

Valkhar also outlined some of the Ivern’s skills and visual effects in the game. Mainly blue tone but mixed with neon to create an effect suitable for the theme of the universe. In addition, Valkhar has added some cosmic bugs to Ivern’s skill effects, grass dust and the space effect for Daisy. The skin set is the perfect combination of the original version of Ivern with the Super Galaxy theme.

Although it is not possible to see this colorful skin appearing in the game, I hope Riot Games can create and bring it into its game someday.