League of Legends: Fleet Footwork Sylas of Faker!!!

Being sick of midlane Nunu, Faker one more time created a brand new way to play Sylas. And this time it is Fleet Footwork Sylas.

Since Sylas was published, he has always been making a lot of keyboards crashed with his ability of constantly dealing a huge amount of damage and his R’s unpredictable power. Moreover, he is now very powerful as all the Mages and Brawlers in this meta have an enormous amount of damage or a wide range of CC.

The ability of stealing his enemies’ R has been literally a nightmare due to its unpredictability

However, instead of Conqueror or Electrocute, Faker has recently been using an extremely awkward rune: Fleet Footwork and even his way of purchasing items is much more different than usual. Specifically, he has been buying Hextech GLP-800 rather than Hextech Protobelt-01.

Faker has been using Fleet Footwork Sylas recently

Maybe you guys do not know, the more AP you have, the more HP you will be healed when Fleet Footwork is activated. Additionally, Sylas is a melee champion so that he will fully receive that amount of HP instead of 20% like traditional Mages. Thanks to this, Faker can save the golds which are usually used for buying Corrupting Potion to buy damage items for early fights.

Corrupting Potion is not really necessary for Fleet Footwork Sylas

However, lacking damage because of using Fleet Footwork will lead to Faker’s buying Hextech GLP-800 to compensate for the amount of lost damage. And remember that this item’s cost is similar to Luden’s Echo’s one and its ability of widely slowing is extremely useful in small and team fights.

Because of focusing on laning phase, farming and mid-game fights, Faker’s way of upgrading skills is also completely different from others. Instead of maximally upgrading his W – Kingslayer, Faker has returned to the orginal style: Q – Chain Lash > W – Kingslayer > E – Abscond/Abduct. A maximum Q can help him a lot in pushing and controlling his lane and let him roam much more easily.

Faker used Fleet Footwork for Sylas with an incredible efficiency

Basically, Fleet Footwork will provide Sylas with an extremely strong ability of staying in his lane for a long period of time, even when he has to face with poke champions. After suffering from his terribly tough laning phase, he will become a truly nightmare with the opponent Midlaner and ADC thanks to his huge amount of damage and can slain them with no difficulties by using their R.

Maybe you want to read: Sylas used to have Neeko’s Q skill and Morde’s R-similar skill and other facts about Sylas