Because of a world of peace and balance, the League of Legends will be stripped of their weapons and fight only with bare hands, then who will be the “martial arts master”?
In the vast League of Legends Universe, we often discover a multitude of extremely special things. The farther your imagination is, the more creative you will be in the world of League.
In each Match, the generals will have their own unique set of skills to create different “colors”. And yet, every general in the Alliance has his own weapon. So the question is: What if the generals lost all their weapons?
Imagine that, without the “cult” weapons in hand, whether the generals such as Lux, Sona, Garen, Varus, Caitlyn, Aatrox or Nasus … can develop their power ? Is that impossible? These weapons help them create great strength to fight.
Because there are no weapons in hand, these generals will only rush to fight like children “children” and accompanying it with words. A gunner who does not carry a gun or a bow will they fight? Perhaps holding the stones picked up along the river and fighting each other ?
However, for the generals who do not need weapons, it is indeed beneficial as Lee Sin, Neeko, Cassiopiea or Zac … They only use their bodies as a powerful weapon to attack all those. The enemy threatened them and did not have to think about where to “store things”. At that time, isn’t Lee Sin going to become the strongest general of the League of Legends, or maybe another general will emerge.
And then, how will Yasuo do to create the wind wall and the slashes of the opponent without the sword next to. It was all a mess and wrestling, not a real arena like we used to. Perhaps your strong cabinet minister will be afraid of a soldier or not …
So according to you, if League of Legends banned all generals from using weapons to fight, who would be the King in the Justice Arena?