League of Legends: Gamers point out funny points in the Teamfight Tactics

Although it is an independent game and a completely different genre, the Teamfight Tactics has many interesting points.

Basically, modes like the Nexus Blitz, One For All or URF or ARAM are completely different from the usual games we play every day. However, in Teamfight Tactics, gamers who experienced this game mode were surprised to realize the strange similarity between the Teamfight Tactics and the League of Legends.

The post about the strange similarity between LOL and TFT received over 10 thousand upvote and received the approval of the majority of gamers.

-Fiora my team is weak and Fiora the enemy team strong the whole map

-Kha’Zix then intends to get into the row after the enemy and finish by jumping into the middle of 5 enemy team members, not to mention that Kha’Zik also solo with Garen

– Talking about Garen, he only has to use 1 Skill for solo 1 vs 3

Karthus’s mission remains unchanged, R and wins. RRRRRRR

-Brand also only press R and win

-My team naturally afk in the middle of the game for no reason at all

-Spam Ping “???” when someone AFK

-Occasionally, the creep stop and can’t escape

-Only half of the champions are playable

-Sometimes Garen has Rabadon’s Deathcap and Luden’s Echo but still wins

-Garen AP looks like weak, but it’s quite healthy

-Draven 200HP solo wins Garen full HP

-Guinsoo Everywhere

-Graves is too weak but still nerf

-Gnar transforms, doubling UP and stunning every single member of my team

-Sejuani Auto Miss R

-A half of my team died without using any skill

-E of Lucian has no cooldown

-Akali the opponent is very strong, killing the next row of my team alone

-Kindred uses Ult while still full of HP

-Morgana dies without stunning the opponent

-Lulu use Ultimate is not the right person

-Veigar 1 R 1 Kill

-Yasuo somehow went alone after 35 minutes and was constantly killed

-Yasuo did not know how to use W

-Yasuo 5 gold is no different from ordinary Yasuo we often meet