League of Legends: Hackers find out ways to not be permanently banned

League of Legends gamers have uncovered some exploit that allows them to entirely circumvent an account ban and continue playing, allowing more chaos in the game

Image via Riot Games

A player may be banned from League of Legends for a variety of reasons, including scripting, inting, running-it-down and toxic behaviour. These sanctions are in place to guarantee that players who log in and play fairly are not harmed by those who do not follow the rules.

Bans can also be temporary or permanent, with some players receiving and a few days off, while others are forever forbidden from playing in that account.

However, thanks to a recently found issue concerning the way a user’s client communicates with Riot’s servers, anyone who understands how to develop this workaround may fool League into thinking they haven’t been banned.

Image via Riot Games

Hackers uncover a League of Legends ban exploit

While scripters aren’t widespread in League of Legends, they do exist. Not to mention a slew of high MMR players that purposefully grief streams and snipe their games in an attempt to destroy them, as well as those who snipe matches in an attempt to influence them for the purposes of solo queue.

The mechanism is critical to maintaining fairness, and the prospect of a ban being overcome is a terrifying prospect for the game.

To begin, players can “forge” a ban by utilising a proxy to fool their client into believing they have been banned from the game. This just displays a popup in your client as if you were banned, but has no effect on your account. Strange, but ultimately insignificant.

Players may avoid an account ban by preventing the letter from ever reaching their client.

This may be accomplished in two ways. One approach is to retain a JWT token from when the account was not blocked alive to avoid the ban.

A JWT token is a digital signature that grants access to a user’s account; keeping a token from an unbanned version of the account will permit that player access.

However, this solution is only effective until a new patch is released, rendering the token required for the workaround inoperable. In other words, it is only useful if the user anticipates being banned and prepares accordingly, and it has a limited life cycle.

Image via Riot Games

Alternatively, you may employ a proxy to ensure that data intended for your client is blocked and never reaches the client. As a consequence, that account will be able to play the game.