League of Legends: Having performed extremely well with a 100% win rate, but Clozer is the most criticized in T1 by Korean fans

The Korean “netizens” have long been known for being extremely toxic with malicious comments, personal attacks on celebrities, and T1 Clozer is no exception.

On the evening of August 13, T1 continued to show impressive performance with a 2-0 victory over Afreeca Freecs. After participating in 5 pairs of matches, Clozer got an achievement of consecutively winning 10 games. The rookie who replaced Faker in the mid lane has impressively outperformed expectation with a KDA of 7.5 and a 100% win rate in the LCK.

T1 Clozer

But it seems that by having to replace Faker, Clozer has received tons of criticisms from fans. Recently, Coach Kim “Kim” Jeong-soo suddenly shared: “I talked to the players about reading online comments, some people feel uncomfortable because of negative comments but some feel normal. The fact is, all of the players have received malicious comments. Among them, though Clozer performed well, but was attacked the most. All what we can do is stop reading comments on social media. I told the players so”.

The Korean online community has been usually known as a salty community with a great amount of malicious comments, personal attacks on celebrities. Currently, Clozer is only 17 years old. The boy born in 2003 might be dismayed if he is about to read those malicious comments. It is just a beginning when Clozer is doing a good job and never once failed T1. Who could imagine what is gonna happen if Clozer lose a game?

T1 Faker

Fortunately, T1 CEO – Joe Marsh confirmed that T1 will soon take action to ensure the safety of the players and coaches’ mental health.

Also in an interview with Chinese media, Mr. Kim said that T1’s goal is to get a ticket to the world finals. At this time, the team will do their best to get good results against 2 heavyweights which is DWG and DRX.

Here are some highlights of the T1 vs AFS matches:

T1 vs AFS highlights