League of Legends: High-ranking players share ways to fight regular Jungle goers Camp you

The feeling of being Gank constantly at Lane is extremely annoying and many gamers don’t know what to do with this.

Here are tips shared by experienced players to help you cope with constant camping

1. Don’t make yourself a prey

There are many gamers who own the habit of using all skills to push soldiers from level 1 to make the soldiers in the street always push high and put themselves in a dangerous position, especially the less mobile champions at level 1 .

Therefore, the first step in being camp is to play cautiously and explore first level opponents, prioritize last hits in the first 3 minutes, when the person going to the Jungle has level 3 to wait for the move of the opponent.

Next, you need to pay attention to the wards in the river area and notice the map as well as the information provided by the team, boost the advantage when the opponent is not near you and play carefully when the opponent signs of attack.

Finally, give up thinking you can 1 vs 2 because at the beginning it is impossible unless your opponent is too poor and doesn’t cooperate well, don’t lose the game because of small mistakes.

2. Know the opponent’s champion

Champions quality is extremely important that gamers need to understand, not only in guarding the ganking opponent but also helping you to win the lane and keep the advantage.

Existing Jung champions mostly choose safe play and farm much in the early stages to get level 6 as quickly as possible, so in the first 5 minutes of the game you can overwhelm opponents.

However, if the opponent forest is strong champions from the beginning like Lee Sin, Xin Zhao or Graves will return to the above step, do not turn themselves into prey.

Besides, be careful if your opponent has a lot of controlled skills, those who go to the Jungle are very fond of ganking the way the teammates have CC so that they can easily set up the attack.

3. Comeback after being ganked too much?

If you’re ganking too much and lying down a few times, don’t try to solo with the enemy team, this means suicide when you lose too much on items and levels.

At this point, You need to work with my teammates to push the pillars to break the enemy’s freezing position as well as to finish the phase of Lane quickly, the weakest stage due to ganking too much.

In case you still want to stay on the lane, the best way to limit the opponent’s ability to snowball is to push the soldiers quickly and safely back.

Usually the opponent will gather a large wave of creeps to clear the way for a pillar phase to take you down, do not let the opponent do this, clear the soldiers quickly, ignoring the exchange of skills with the opponent

4. Summary

Being in Jungle camp is an extremely uncomfortable feeling but don’t let this feeling overwhelm your mind and actions, there is still a way to fight those who love camp and most importantly you must create an advantage even when you are enemy attack.

Keep the head cold and handle it correctly