League of Legends: Hottest Picks in Professional Arenas in Season 2020!

The 10th Season went through a lot of changes in the meta of League of Legends. Riot has been trying to make many adjustments to get more champions to appear in the professional arenas. Here are the champions that are most picked in 2020 in each position.

Top lane: Ornn

Throughout the 2020 season, Ornn has established himself as an extremely prominent champion in the game’s meta. Ornn is considered as a very strong tank with a good teamfighting ability.

Ornn’s ban/pick rate reached 74% across all regions during the Spring Season and went up to 91% at World 2020 (gol.gg data). Although there are many other choices that have emerged in the top lane, Ornn is always a safe choice and fits all team tactics, and is always the pick preferred by professional teams.

Jungle: Leesin

Leesin has always been one of the top picks in the jungler position for the past seven seasons since his debut. This is always the favorite champion for jungle position and is chosen based on his mobility and ability to open fast fights.

Leesin (Credit: Riot)

During the year 2020, Leesin was selected 1607 times in all competitions, surpassing Graves and Trundle to become the most chosen champion in the jungle position. Having been chosen a lot doesn’t mean Leesin is a good choice. Leesin’s win rate this season is just 48%, the lowest of any junglers.

Mid lane: Syndra

2020 marks the return of the meta control mage for mid lane. The most prominent among the mages is Syndra and she is also the hot pick in mid lane in the 2020 season. Syndra has a ban / pick ratio at all competitions of 60%, the fourth highest among all champions that appeared this year, according to gol.gg.

Syndra Montage 2020

In terms of her dominance in the mid lane, Syndra outperformed other competitors, namely Azir, Zoe, and LeBlanc. With 1,249 picks and 2,318 league bans in 2020, Syndra is the most picked and banned champion in her position, something that rarely happens in professional play – especially during an entire season.

Marksman: Aphelios

Aphelios (Credit: Riot)

Aphelios debuted at the beginning of the 2020 season and quickly became the number 1 choice in the hands of ADC around the world. During the Spring Season, Aphelios had a global pick/ban rate of 86%, the highest of all champions. And despite receiving numerous nerfs throughout 2020, Aphelios remains a relatively prominent pick for the rest of the season.

By the time the season ended, Aphelios ended 2020 with a 64% ban/pick ratio, and appeared in exactly 2,000 games worldwide, according to gol.gg

Support: Nautilus

In 2020, tanky supports became meta in the bot lane. Besides prominent champions like Thresh, Leona or Braum, Nautilus is also an interesting choice in the support position.

Nautilus (Credit: Riot)

Although not as popular as Thresh or Sett, but obviously with more than 2,000 appearing times in a season, Nautilus is also a hot pick this season. As other supports lost their foothold, Nautilus stood out as a reliable choice for support players around the world in 2020.

Detailed ranking:


Read next: League of Legends: TOP 10 human champions embody to Gods in their breath-taking skin! (part one)
