League of Legends: How to build and select generals to climb Rank appropriately

“Boy one champ” means that the player only uses one champion in all ranked matches, this is also positive but will be easy to get bored or there will be bad luck. Opponents forbidding your choice! So make sure there is a group of generals on your hands that will be useful for you to climb up the rank.

I. How is a good champions?

A group of generals is considered good if it meets both consistent and diverse elements. Of all your picked champions, there are a few different play styles. For example, you should not play two similarly played generals (such as Zed and Yasuo) but you also need to avoid playing completely opposite heroes (like Riven and Malphite).

To make it easier to climb rankings, you need to play well 2/5 positions (such as Top – jungle, jungle – middle, …), in which positions with similarities should be prioritized (Top – Middle, middle – supports because there may be generals who play well in both positions). Therefore, your champions is considered perfect if it contains many generals who can fit in both roles (Akali, Swain, Viktor, Jayce can play well in the middle and the Top or Yasuo, Lulu, Karma can be used in both support and midline.

II. There should be a few Champions

If there is a general who gives you a feeling of comfort and a high winning rate in Rank with your choice in hand and confidence, congratulations, you’ve got a ultimate weapon to climb rank. With this general, it can be said that you already know each of the advantages and disadvantages, how to map the situation in the game and most importantly, the damage can be done like Faker.

However, don’t overdo it because it might make you a “boy one champ”! Please allocate a reasonable time for 4-5 different generals to avoid difficult situations that are difficult or blocked by the enemy and you cannot choose your champions.

III. Which champions should be selected?

No one but you can find the best general for yourself. The generals are called suitable and deserve to add to your tank, so you can play at 1 or 2 positions of your forte, more importantly they must match many different formation depending on the Choice of allies or opponents.

For example, in the middle lane, you should play at least two team-style generals such as Yasuo, Akali, Irelia or at least two resilient generals such as Sion, Cho’gath, Ornn and Magic power generals such as Kennen, Vladimir, Ryze, Sylas, Akali.

IV. Don’t waste time on champions who don’t suit you

Of course, having more and more pick champions is very good, the better if these are the generals who are meta and have a high winning rate (53% -56%). But if you have tried to play through this 7 – 8 matches or 3 – 4 ranked matches without feeling comfortable when playing and having poor results, it is best to throw away that champions. because it is not suitable for you * Like Yasuo for example *.

It’s no shame that “the dog can’t bark” every player has a style and thinking about different ways of playing, it’s normal that you can’t play a good general * Even if I write this article, I also can’t play Yasuo well * you don’t have to worry. Be brave using generals that you feel most convenient and increasingly successful in the process of climbing up the rank!

Good luck