League of Legends: How to Farm and Control Minions as An ADC

Farming is one of the most important things in the early game. However, as an AD carry, farming is the priority during the whole match.

The ADC’s role is to deal the primary damage on the enemy team. To be able to do so, you will need a lot of gold and experience from farming.

1. Farming Minions Under the Turret

Most of you might know that minions (cs) are divided into 4 kinds: melee, caster, canon and super minions.

Melee minions: 2 turret hits and 1 auto-attack (aa)

Caster minions: 1 turret hit and 1-2 aa (depending on the champion’s stats)

Canon or Siege minions: 7 hit turrets and 1 hit aa

2. When to Freeze the Minions Wave?

When there is an advantage in terms of champion’s stat, you can be aggressive for trade so, your opponent will stay away from the minion wave.

The support could zone the enemy opponent by staying in front of the mele minion from your team. Zoning will prevent your opponent(s) to farm and get experience from the minions.

If you want to put even more pressure on your enemy, you and your support can both stand in front of your team’s minions wave to zone out the enemy.

However, if you are behind and got zoned out from your minion wave by the enemy bot lane, you could ask for a gank and put pressure against the enemy bot lane, or for the best, kill the enemy bot lane.

If you still behind in your lane after killing the enemy bot lane, then you may let the minion wave to push near the turret. However, try your best to not let the minions go under your turret, so then your team’s minion wave won’t be frozen.

–> Solution: You or your support can step up to take some minions hits, your job is to last hit as many minions as possible.

3. Fast Pushing


4. Slow Pushing – The best method that High Elo players use


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