League of Legends: How to Fast Push Turrets with A Minion, a Tryndamere and an Ekko – Champions Combos in URF

Are you tired of long and pointless URF games? You just want to win the game and finish the mission?

This could be an option if you’re lucky enough to get Ekko and Tryndamere on the same team!

In the video below, Ekko and Tryndamere just simply took 2 hits to destroy the enemy turret and inhibitor and end the game.

Besides this fast pushing champions combo, there are many other champions that you could make cool plays in ARURF.

Hard CC Champions Combo

If you would like to have fun with Hard cc champions, you could also go with Lux, Morgana, Ivern, Aurelion Sol or Veigar combo; Or even Yasuo and Trundle combo.

Imagine how fun would you have by looking at the enemy team getting CC to death.

Forever Shield and Heal

If you would like to play a combo with champions who can dash constantly, consider Lee Sin and Rakan. With the number of shields and heals you gain from both champions could really annoy the enemy team.


The Wombo Combo

If someone in your team got Ryze, it’s ideal to play champions like Nunu or Fiddlestick.

Or Jarvan 4 with Annie, Ezreal, or Lux.

How many of these champions combos have you tried in ARURF this year?

Do you have a better combo? Let us know in the comment below.