League of Legends: Upcoming Ink Mage champion might introduce brand-new mechanics to the game

What will the new Ink Mage champion bring more to the game?

Some fascinating champion designs in League of Legends have never made it to live servers. Riot not only create those champions from scratches, but they also shred mechanics and kit before the release.

Image via Riot Games

This year we have already seen the arrival of the newest champion, Milio, but that is only the beginning of new champions in 2023. So far, we know that Naafiri, the Darkin Assassin, will be the next champion to appear, and that a Vampire champion is also in the works.

Recently, there have been speculations of a new Freljord champion finding their way into Summoner’s Rift, which has also been a long time wait.

Upcoming Ink Mage with unique mechanics

However, one champion with some intriguing new features in its kits is the forthcoming Ink Mage champion. Not to mention, Riot is bringing this concept back from years ago.

Image via Riot Games

BigBadBear discovered an old interview with Riot Meddler in which he mentioned an Ink Mage champion employing art and ink to enhance their skills. The champion may sketch their abilities through the power of art.

The most important aspect of their kit would have been their ultimate, which allowed players to physically create terrain on the map. This would result in a slew of issues, but perhaps Riot has found out how to implement it years later.

Screenshot via BigBadBear

So, while the idea was discarded to be revisited later owing to it being too complex and difficult to handle during teamfights, it appears that the moment has come. This might be a brand-new League of Legends mechanic