League of Legends: Is chat in the game needed to exist anymore?

Recently, a Reddit user posted an article that consulted with other players and received a lot of mixed reviews.

*Is chat really that important? High elo/ low elo*

“Hello hello summoners. I’m here to discuss an interesting topic which many people might have different thoughts on it. I love watching pro players and streamers playing to learn from them. I’ve always noticed that the amount of typing in high elo is insanely low. That doesn’t include pinging the summoner spells. If you come to low elo on the other hand. You’ll find a lot of trash talking and side topics which isn’t even related to the game and that’s BAD because it drifts your focus from the game. So is the chat really that important? Don’t get me wrong. When I say chat I mean your teammates chat and not their pings. I honestly think muting the enemy team is a must because they won’t have any good impact on you. They will just tilt you and distract you. Your teammates on the other hand, I don’t really think it’s that important as you go up the ladder since you would’ve understood the macro plays and the shout calls just by their pings. Also it’s gonna prevent you from getting flamed and getting tilted cause of it. But as in low elo, I think people rely on it more since their map awareness isn’t that good and perhaps typing in the chat might prevent them from dying since they tend to look at the chat more. Flaming isn’t related to a specific elo, but I think it’s more common in low elo so perhaps muting might help you win more games. What do you guys think?”

If you regularly watch streamer or stearm of professional gamers (not counting G2), you will realize they chat very little. Instead, they contacted each other by ping during the game and that seemed to be more effective than chatting. Conversely, at the lower ranks, you will see people chat a lot, but their topic is not always around the game.

So is chat really important? First of all, let’s look at the positive side of it. Good use of this feature will help a lot for you and your teammates. Effective communication will help you more easily coordinate to win.

In addition, the chat is also a place to note the time of the spells, which helps a lot for jungle players. It can be seen that using effective chat will help you easily find victory.

In addition to the positive side, the chat feature is still quite a lot of bad things. Many people have experienced the fact that their team has a toxic youth. These young people can do bad things in chat, which is bad for the team spirit.

For that reason, many players have been banned from chats when receiving accusations from other players.

In addition, the constant chat of a problem sometimes will prevent you from being proactive in gank situations by the opponent, it will make you unable to use the skill because you are in the chat state. Sometimes, there will be some opponents who say bad words when they win you in a solo phase, affecting your psychology.

While there are good and bad sides, the chat feature seems to be used exactly the way it was created. High ranking players hardly chat. In contrast, lower ranks use this feature ineffectively. That begs the question: is chat really still necessary?

Information From: Reddit