League of Legends: Is Teemo A War Criminal?

Who knows behind his dope looking suit is a war criminal.

Omega Squad Teemo is a common skin that was released in April 2015. The skin itself features Teemo as a covert ops commando who’s part of the secret all-Yordle Omega Squad.

After suffering a mental breakdown after his constant exposure to war and fighting he is now a remorseless killing machine. He also shares the same theme with Special Forces Gangplank.

The skin used to have its own official promo page that features several trophies from other champions he has collected while serving in the Omega Squad.

These include items such as Gangplank’s cutlass and pistol, Olaf’s axes, Annie’s Tibber, and Caitlyn’s sniper rifle.

Teemo, once a sweet yordle who vowed to uphold the Scout’s Code. After joining Omega Squad, Teemo lost his values and became a prestigious military leader.

Everyone knows that Omega Squad Teemo is a killing machine on the battlefield, however, there is more to his story. Teemo is quoted saying “War didn’t change me, I changed War!”.

How exactly did Teemo change war?

Teemo also has stated: “I’ve done things I’m not proud of”. What exactly has Teemo done that he isn’t proud of? The answer comes in a third quote.

When Teemo acquires a Runaan’s Hurricane, he says “There’s no such thing as collateral damage”. It’s pretty clear that Teemo slaughtered multiple civilians on a bloodthirsty rampage during his quest for revenge.

Teemo’s ruthless tactics have changed warfare and he isn’t proud of what he’s done. Perhaps he was just following orders.

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What do you think about this theory?

Who else in League of Legends is a criminal?

Credit: Reddit