League of Legends: Ivern will be dumb when entering the Jungle

Since the old jungle item has been removed from the ability to use Ward, Ivern has suddenly been forgotten by players because the skill set has nothing special as well as the ability to control the map is no longer an advantage of the champion, even Riot Games doesn’t know Ivern exists, this is a sadness for this champion

As a champion with strange and new jungle gameplay, Ivern was nicknamed Riot Games by the nickname that is the Green Father because he constantly tried to save and rescue the jungle monsters trapped in Summoner’s Rift. However, recently he has become cold-hearted when he does not open his mouth to a line when walking near the monster.

In keeping with the title of The Green Father, Riot Games has added a lot of lines to Ivern every time he moves near jungle monsters.

However, it seems that the champion has been tired of saving these creatures recently, so he decided to “keep quiet” whenever he encountered them.

On a Reddit forum page dedicated to the main Ivern, they talked very enthusiastically about the “strange behaviour” of this champion. At present, players can only listen to Ivern’s sentences when he:

Despite the in-depth discussion, but no one can know when, the reason is that Ivern lost all dialogues interacting with jungle monsters.

Some players think that this is an Ivern game bug, others think that Riot Games is planning to change for Ivern in the near future.

However, a lot of people believe this is a game error because Ivern is a champion not too many players care about, even the Riot Games.

In your opinion, is this a game error or another conspiracy theory of Riot Games? Please leave your opinion in the comment section!

Information From: Reddit