League of Legends: 10 Friendly Reminders for Those Who are Not a Jungle Main

A Jungler’s job is to beat up innocent animals and occasionally make unfair fights for the other team. We know that you do not always have a perfect game with a perfect Jungler, but please think for your Jungler as well.

Here are 10 friendly reminders for those who are not a Jungle main.

1. Junglers are not anyone’s on-demand “win this lane on my behalf” valet service to carry your LP to the elo of your choice.

2. Junglers cannot guarantee your lane wins with a single gank, nor can they suddenly turn the tide in your favor when you’ve fed their enemy team for more than 3 kills.

3. Junglers are not always been able to perfectly Smite-steal a 4 men bot lane on the dragon on command.

League of Jojo

4. Junglers are not capable of warding more than twice every few minutes.

5. If you die solo in lane multiple times, you not only have made it frustratingly difficult for the Jungler to gank your lane; but the problem you just created is going to show up into our jungle.

6. You are responsible for your own lane. Your death is not the fault of the Jungler who is on the other side of the map eating several live chickens.

7. Junglers cannot get dragon when you die 6 times to the enemy bot lane. You may not notice, the 5/0/1 enemy Lucian and 1/0/5 Thresh can easily 2 vs 3 or even 4 men in your team…

League of Jojo

8. If you recall 5 seconds before dragon spawns, the Jungler won’t be responsible for losing the dragon. It’s just common sense that drag pit is roughly 30 seconds away so you want to set up vision a minute before and then recall.

9. If you see an enemy shows up in your jungle and fighting your Jungler early game, come help them! Don’t just stay in mid you lane and /all chat:” Noob Jungler, you should’ve known better.” It is your team’s jungle as well!

10. Please stop typing “jg diff” when you don’t have any impact on the game…

How many of these reminders do you wish your teammate would understand?

Have you ever been into similar situations as a Jungler?