League of Legends: Kalista reviving Sion is finally rediscovered

Rito, what is this?

Bugs in League of Legends can occasionally go overlooked or got ignored, especially if there are more important issues at hand. One such bug raised its influence throughout the community once more as a few players rediscovered that Kalista could revive Sion.

In a clip that was posted on Reddit earlier today, the Kalista player is joined by a support Sion who is eliminated by the opposing team. Soon after, Sion’s passive ability, Glory in Death, kicked in, forcing him to reanimate and giving the support player a brief time to advance and attack.

Kalista revive Sion bug

However, Kalista used her ultimate power Fate’s Call just as Sion’s passive health ran out to bring him back and be ready to toss him out and knock someone else down. However, when Sion emerged from her ult, he was no longer in zombie form and had a full health bar instead.

Image via Riot Games

The Sion player was saved from dying completely by Kalista’s timing with her ultimate ability, which also allowed her to resurrect him into the same lane. He might dive into an opposing team, die and then immediately return because of the buggy interaction, which has severe consequences.

Image via Riot Games

This is not the first time that the League community has been aware of this flaw. In a video recorded four years ago, well-known content creator Vandiril showed how the same champion might save Sion from dying via the identical Fate’s Call interaction.

Along with the fact that Kalista hardly ever teams up with Sion as her support in today’s game, it’s possible that the same bug is reappearing after years of fixes have forgotten about it.

Additionally, testing out this combo in League may be intriguing. With the ADC ultimate ability, Sion may purposefully attack the other team, die, and then instantly resurrect with a second life to aid his team.

Riot hasn’t spokes anything towards this situation, but hopefully, they will soon.